UNM LA Plant Graphics Library UNM LA
Plant Graphics Library

Plants List
Evergreen Tree
   Afghan Pine
   Blue Spruce
   Escarpment Live Oak
   Ponderosa Pine
   Rocky Mountain Juniper

Evergreen Shrub
   Beach Wormwood
   Bear Grass
   Box Wood
   Common Sotol
   Common Yarrow
   Creeping Juniper
   Deodar Cedar
   Englemann's Prickly Pear
   Herb of Grace
   Joshua Tree
   Parry's Agave
   Red Yucca
   Soapweed Yucca
   Southern Magnolia
   Stone Pine
   Thompson Broom

Deciduous Tree Small
   'Grosso' Lavender/Lavandin
   'Oklahoma' Redbud
   Bigtooth Maple
   Bluestem Joint Fir
   Bradford Pear
   Chaste Tree
   Chinese Pistache
   Creeping Mahonia
   Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany
   Desert Willow
   Fragrant Ash
   Goldenball Leadtree
   Mexican Elder
   Netleaf Hackberry
   Russian Hawthorn
   Sweet Acacia
   Texas Mountain Laurel

Deciduous Tree Large
   Arizona Sycamore
   Chinkapin Oak
   Honey Locust
   Hybrid Elms
   New Mexico Olive
   Silver Maple
   Texas Red Oak
   Velvet Ash

Deciduous Shrub
   Apache Plume
   Autumn Sage
   Dwarf Butterfly Bush
   Mexican Blue Sage
   Red Bird of Paradise
   Rose of Sharon
   Texas Ranger
   Threadleaf Sage

   'Autumn Glow' Muhly/Lindheimermuhly
   'Blonde Ambition' Blue Grama
   Alkali sacaton
   Blue Grama
   Deer Grass
   Little Bluestem
   Pink Muhly

   Banksia Rose
   Silver Lace
   Trumpet Vine

Flowering Plant
   Gopher Spurge

Deodar Cedar
cedrus deodara

Height: 40 ft to 70 ft
Spread: 20 ft to 40 ft
Sun: Full sun
Moisture: Drought tolerant
Native: No
Pollinator: No
Aromatic: No

Images (Click image to see full size image for download):

1974 px by 2384 px

1934 px by 2405 px

1600 px by 1600 px